Bulgarien – erlebnisreich

This blog entry is from Edirne, a town in Turkey near the Turkish-Greek-Bulgarian border. A town rich in city life with its colourful lights, hustle and bustle of people everywhere and delicious smells of tasty food.…..(Sroll down for more) Diesen Blogeintrag schreibe ich aus Edirne, einer Stadt in der Türkei, nahe an der Türkisch- griechisch-Bulgarischen…

vielfältiges Rumänien

  Three days I spent with Ana and Janosch and waited out a long lasting storm. Finally the sun popped out and it was time for me to say farewell. Passing the Cimitirul Vesel (Happy Cemetery) I was on my way to Sighetu Marmatiei close to the Ukrainian border….(Sroll down for more) Nach einem dreitägigen…